Sunday 28 February 2016

Carol Rossetti

Carol Rossetti is a illustrator based in Brazil. She created a very prolific series of propaganda style illustrations in order to empower all different women by presenting  women who are happy about themselves which society and the media usually make them feel bad about. Her illustrations were heavily researched and their is a real woman behind all of them. Her work relates to my theme because it's letting women who aren't always represented in the media have their say about their body and life.

Thursday 25 February 2016

How I plan to transfer my essay theme into my practical work...

My essay mainly focuses on misrepresentation of ethnic minority women within advertising. A friend pointed out to me that it's possibly not my right to create work on something that is not necessarily something I struggle with as I am a white woman, so I think I'm going to bring my practical work back into something broader - the misrepresentation of women in general within the media.

I started by writing out so synonyms to 'mis-representation' and see what I could draw from these words. This was a good starting point because I was so lost because I felt my essay subject was quite serious and I was afraid of insulting people, so I wanted to strip it back a little and just react to simple words instead of diving into the heavy stuff.

My images are very basic but I'm happy that they convey some sort of meaning even if its my first attempt at creating something for this study brief.

My synonyms are : adulteration, colouring, distortion, exaggeration, fabrication, false light, falsification, lie, misstatement, mutilation, not a true picture, slant, strory, stretch, tall story, twist, untruth

Thursday 11 February 2016

Some advertisement ideas - practical work

I'm not exactly sure what I want my campaigns/advertisements to be about - I know it's anti-glamour though. Toothpaste is floating around my head but I'm not sure why. I've took some inspiration from Carol Rossetti's work and thought about about putting handwritten words into my work just to make that little bit more personal. I think instead of a story I might try to create a slogan? A sort of manifesto slogan. WE DON'T NEED YOU... Very Bikini Kill. Something along the lines of 'include us or we won't include you'. I want the characters in the images to be alien-like? Not conventional, slightly weird, outsiders perhaps?