Tuesday 3 November 2015

Study task 2 - Reading and Understanding a Text

My essay question is Discuss the role that illustration can play during periods of political and/or social upheaval. (although I might change this)

I have chosen both of the 'First Things First' manifestos to analyse.

Tone-of-voice: What can you deduce about the authors position in regard to the subject matter from their tone-of-voice
The tone of voice is revolutionary, they want to reject our society of consumerism and designers having to work on only things that are for profitable means. The authors want the designers to be able to create things for charities and things they care about not big companies who exploit people. 

5 Key points that the text makes
  • It's morally wrong that designers have to make work like this - for the cosmetic industry etc. It's not ethical and we shouldn't have to put up with this just to pay the bills.
  • We should change our ideas of what we think graphic design and other types of design are for  - they're not just for consumerism.
  • They hate any type of advertising that is used to sell coffee or roll on deoderants or anything we don't particularly need.
  • Designers have forgotten their love of designing - they're just making stuff for the money.
  • We should get rid of the consumerism aspect of society.
5 Key quotes from the text
  • 'Commercial work has always payed the bills, but many graphic designers how now let it become, in large measure, what graphic designers do. This, in turn, is how the world perceives design.'
  • 'Unprecedented environmental, social and cultural crises demand our attention.'
  • "Commercial work has always payed the bills, but many graphic designers how now let it become, in large measure, what graphic designers do. This, in turn, is how the world perceives design."
  • 'We propose a reversal of priorities in favour of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication'
  • '...those who have flogged their skill and imagination...'
  • 'Unprecedented environmental, social and cultural crises demand our attention.'
  • 'By far the greatest effort of those working in the advertising industry are wasted on these trivial purposes, which contribute little or nothing to our national prosperity.'
Analytical Paragraph
This manifesto is an extreme take on how designers work within consumerism. It wants designers to reject job offers for designing adverts and packaging for the consumer market and create work that is meaningful and helps promote change. The consumer market has meant designers have lost their way in creating original design and creatives are now reliant on commercial advertising and working for profitable companies. We view design differently because of the consumer market because of how creatives earn their money, and creatives aren't encouraged to use their design skills for good uses because we just don't see their jobs that way. 

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