Tuesday 22 December 2015

Study Task 3 - Planning and Structuring an Essay

How does Western mainstream advertising present ethnic minority women?
  • Introduction
    Advertising is powerful, it can influence the way we think. Most people in advertising are beautiful and white, especially women. Ethnic minority are largely misrepresented in advertising. 

  • How black women are whitewashed in the west 

‘African American women have been excluded by television and movies, by white beauty ideals. Consequently, to have a place in the American cultural industry, African Americans attempt to mirror American standards of beauty through their appearance…’

Black women have pressure to disguise themselves - told to emulate European features, sold products to make themselves appear more westernised, Dove try to capitalise on this with their 'love your curls campaign' lighter women deemed more attractive .. men are 'allowed to be darker'... Beyonce advertisement altered to make her appear lighter ... in comparison to skin lightening creams

  • Employment of Ethnic minority women within advertising
There is a distinct lack of women within advertising ... if there isn't a lot of women, then their must not be a lot of black women.. More black women working in advertising would help there to be more representation of black women in the adverts. ‘As one of few black women in a senior media role, I have a burning passion to ensure the industry embraces diversity of all types. Aside from the fact that it is clearly morally correct, I firmly believe it is essential to the continued success of advertising and media agencies.’... ‘How can we claim to understand all the different consumers out there, unless our staff reflect all aspects of their diversity and difference?’

  • The West's Influence on the East
Companies use caucasian or very light models in their advertisements in the East - Korea's models are 100% white. However, have these ideals been in their cultures before influence from the west or colonisation.
Western company L'Oreal sell whitening creams but are they jut benefitting from what has already been in their culture.

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