Thursday 14 April 2016

Maisie Cousins

On her website is says 'Her approach to making art is hedonistic and performative. She explores themes of power, femininity, nature, technology, the body and indulgence. '

I love Maisie Cousins work and I think it relates to my theme because it's a little bit disgusting but a little bit beautiful? She pushes boundaries on how we view women. The women in her artworks aren't always conventionally beautiful. They're different looking. She presents naked women in beautiful and some what 'sexy' settings but with slimy details like slugs and grass, she confuses our perceptions of beauty with an off putting twist.

"Most of my work stems from a personal place and I guess I’m sick of seeing imagery aimed at me that I cannot in any way relate to. It’s very boring and dishonest. I think it’s important for art to be relatable." - Maisie Cousins 2016

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