Thursday 14 April 2016

Mega crit feedback

I'm kinda ashamed of the work that is in my visual journal so I only showed a few things in the crit that I was most happy with. I regret this because it didn't really help everyone understand my work and I think I could probably have got more feedback if I'd shared everything flaws and all to the rest of the group.

Comment on the breadth of initial ideas produced in response to visual or theoretical research

  • strong basis for a visual research project
  • meaningful and really deep, fight the struggle
Comment on the visual investigation and development of ideas in response to the brief? Journal, blog or other examples of work

  • experimental, abstract, interpretation of women's struggle
  • maybe look at using collage more, I can see the middle one translating well in that
Comment on the visual quality of the developing work in response to the brief

  • It would be interesting to see you develop the anti-glamour quality of the work. Think crude, informed, visuals
  • maybe print them out? :)
Comment on the effectiveness of the work in response to the problems set
  • Really interesting work, communicates your idea really well
Self Evaluation
I really like the collage aspects of my work so I think I'm going to carry on with this. I think I'm going to use collage in order to create something anti-glamour, and give the use of collage more meaning rather than just aesthetics?
The clarity of my work could be improved, it's a little messy and a little hard to understand. Others will benefit from it more than me because they'll actually be able to understand my work.
I might try add photography as an element in my work - I haven't tried this before. It could add new depth and meaning to what I'm trying to say - especially if I involve myself.

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