Thursday 28 April 2016

Early toothpaste ideas - pics

I took the whole 'anti-glamour idea' and tried to play with it. I looked awful today so I capitalised on that, put some lipstick on and then proceeded to put Ovaltine all over my teeth. I've been trying to come up with a toothpaste advertisement idea and I just thought about how no-one in toothpaste adverts has bad teeth and I know they wouldn't sell any if they did but I'd sorta like it if they did. I did some drawings from the pictures I took but I'm not sure how far I could get with them, up to this point my style has been quite loose with collage in the mix so I don't know if these drawings fit in. I definitely want to stick with the putting ovaltine on my teeth thing, not sure where to go next.

Thursday 14 April 2016

Mega crit feedback

I'm kinda ashamed of the work that is in my visual journal so I only showed a few things in the crit that I was most happy with. I regret this because it didn't really help everyone understand my work and I think I could probably have got more feedback if I'd shared everything flaws and all to the rest of the group.

Comment on the breadth of initial ideas produced in response to visual or theoretical research

  • strong basis for a visual research project
  • meaningful and really deep, fight the struggle
Comment on the visual investigation and development of ideas in response to the brief? Journal, blog or other examples of work

  • experimental, abstract, interpretation of women's struggle
  • maybe look at using collage more, I can see the middle one translating well in that
Comment on the visual quality of the developing work in response to the brief

  • It would be interesting to see you develop the anti-glamour quality of the work. Think crude, informed, visuals
  • maybe print them out? :)
Comment on the effectiveness of the work in response to the problems set
  • Really interesting work, communicates your idea really well
Self Evaluation
I really like the collage aspects of my work so I think I'm going to carry on with this. I think I'm going to use collage in order to create something anti-glamour, and give the use of collage more meaning rather than just aesthetics?
The clarity of my work could be improved, it's a little messy and a little hard to understand. Others will benefit from it more than me because they'll actually be able to understand my work.
I might try add photography as an element in my work - I haven't tried this before. It could add new depth and meaning to what I'm trying to say - especially if I involve myself.

Maisie Cousins

On her website is says 'Her approach to making art is hedonistic and performative. She explores themes of power, femininity, nature, technology, the body and indulgence. '

I love Maisie Cousins work and I think it relates to my theme because it's a little bit disgusting but a little bit beautiful? She pushes boundaries on how we view women. The women in her artworks aren't always conventionally beautiful. They're different looking. She presents naked women in beautiful and some what 'sexy' settings but with slimy details like slugs and grass, she confuses our perceptions of beauty with an off putting twist.

"Most of my work stems from a personal place and I guess I’m sick of seeing imagery aimed at me that I cannot in any way relate to. It’s very boring and dishonest. I think it’s important for art to be relatable." - Maisie Cousins 2016

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Outsider art influence

I've been watching 'Journeys Into The Outside with Jarvis Cocker', a tv series presented by Jarvis Cocker where he visits various countries such as France and USA to experience the outsider art in the countries. I particularly like the French man who covered his whole how is broken crockery and shells.

Some consider outsider art to be  'art created outside the boundaries of official culture; Dubuffet focused particularly on art by those on the outside of the established art scene, such as psychiatric hospital patients and children.'

But also 'the English term "outsider art" is often applied more broadly, to include certain self-taught or naïve art makers who were never institutionalized. Typically, those labeled as outsider artists have little or no contact with the mainstream art world or art institutions.'

I am using Outsider Art as my influence because these women who aren't represented are possibly seen as outsiders to to the glamorous media. It's a good way to express our feelings of neglect through outsider art because a lot of outsider art is never found (possibly found after death) and that could represent that their voices will never particularly be heard.

Here are a few of my favourite outsider art pieces.

I love how raw and bad these pieces are, they are alive and have a presence which classically trained artists cannot emulate!

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Focused advertisements - Toothpaste?

I've been looking at Toothpaste advertisements and a lot of them are just women with nice teeth stood next to a tube of toothpaste. I think I've chosen toothpaste to focus on because not all women/people use something like mascara or lipstick, but most people use toothpaste so it's a very universal thing. The women in these advertisements always have very beautiful teeth but not everyone does? Where are the adverts for the women with terrible teeth?