Wednesday 4 May 2016

OUIL401 End of Module Evaluation

1.  What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I have learnt how to produce work from an academic body of writing, how to pick imagery from a text and turn it into a visual piece of work. 
In addition, I have learnt how to use Harvard referencing and how to research academic paper and how to analyse passages from texts. I'm not sure if I applied them that effectively but it's definitely something to build on into level 5.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your practical outcomes?
I have enjoyed looking at data that has been informed by human experience and the feelings of other people. It's helped my practical outcomes be very honest and close to the heart - but with humour.
This module has been my first chance at creating a piece of work with a matter that I am serious about, so being able to research artists that feel the same way as me has helped me gather a better understanding of what I am serious about and made my practical outcomes stronger.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
My visual outcomes were a lot stronger than I was expecting them to be, I was really confused by what we had to do for this module at the start of the year but when I started to visual investigate it became a lot easier for me to decide which route I want to take, the crits we had later on in the year also helped me decide. There's a playfulness in my work which helped me be loose which sprung from not really knowing what to do so I just sorted messed about and I had no boundaries so it helped create something I wasn't expecting this module to take me.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I've been really bad at blogging this module and collecting all my research into one place - I researched certain things but I forgot to note it, or blog it or reference it in anyway so there appears to be gaps in my research which I'm really worried about. 
I think I could have been more profilic with my sketchbook, created more things to play with and investigate further.

5. Identify five things that you feel will benefit you during next years Context of Practice module?

  • Taking the module a bit more seriously. I think because it lasted throughout the whole year and it's quite a slow module, I just put the work to the back of my mind and didn't really think about it until the last year months. 
  • Attending all the crit and peer tutorial sessions. I shy away from these things because I get insecure about my work but when I attend them no-one is judgemental and people give me some good idea. I think if I'd attended all the sessions my work would be in a better position than it is
  • I found out at the start of the year that I could possibly be dyslexic and I had a test to see if I'm at risk and if I should take the proper test which lasts 3 hours. I was at high risk but I kept putting it off taking the test which would lead to extra help and I think my essay was the result of not asking for help. There are well written parts of my essay but I had to go over with friends in order for it to sound right but it wasn't enough help for me. So next year I'm definitely going to take the test. 
  • More thorough research, maybe instead of reading a bit of the journal or skimming the book, perhaps I should read the whole of the journal and the book - then I will come across more interesting information to add to my argument and could develop my practical work further.
  • Think more about artists, during my studio practice modules I always have an illustrator in my mind. Why should COP be any different. 


Visual Journal

Resolved Images - collage advertisements

I took some more awful photos of me brushing my teeth with Ovaltine. I laugh everything I look at these pictures. I guess these are my resolved images?

  • They're gory and ridiculous - embody the anti glamour thing
  • They're naive and have a handmade look about them - a contrast to the usual polished and clean toothpaste adverts
  • Even though their background have come from misrepresentation I'm not 100% if that shines through - they kinda seem like an anti-capitalism protest art and not so much for women, I could have possibly stressed that more?
  • Are they resolved as they possibly could be? I could have probably done more for the finishing look but  I was going for  a 'naive, messy look'
  • I could have probably looked at more 'anti-glamour' artists

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Where do I go from here? Ideas about resolved image

After the final crit, I've got more ideas on how I should do my resolved image. I have given up on the 'campaign idea' and gone more towards making a sort of a gross 'anti-glamour' advert. I'm sticking with toothpaste idea because it's universal and brown teeth are gross I guess? I had three different rough ideas
  • Should I make it into a gif - a  gif advertisement of me brushing my brown teeth
  • A collage advertisement using my brown teeth - similar to normal adverts - but all handmade with photographs
  • Or a toothpaste advert that has been created on Photoshop with digital type?

The basic set up of a traditional toothpaste advertisement.

I attempted a gif... but my idea for a gif were going to be someone putting toothpaste on a toothbrush and putting it in their mouth. But because I had no-one to help me or anything to stand my phone up on and it was very hard getting the angle right... I gave up on the gif idea. I could have just done it of me brushing my teeth but that would have been kind of boring?

Monday 2 May 2016

Final crit feedback

In the first half of the crit, Siobhan answered the questions on the sheet we were given and then in the second half of the crit me and Bronte had a little chat about our work. Very helpful day!!

Comment on the relationship between the content and practical responses so far

  • Considered lots of different aspects of the question - been quite broad
  • The use of slogans and captions is useful
Comment on the clarity with which the visual responses and theory are connected, How and why does one process inform the other?
  • The misrepresentation page is v.good
  • Intriguing ideas - maybe need to be translated into a different format (photographs?)
Comment on the visual quality of the practical response
  • Free & explorative
  • Good use of character and colour
  • Great bits of collage - try doing pieces that are all collage maybe?
What issues need to be addressed ahead of the submission deadline?
  • Write a proposal!
  • Good ideas - make them into photos, hands on face
My action plan before the deadline is to...

  • Blog everything!
  • Go towards a resolved image - create an advert